Mayor reshuffles top team after councillor Adam Clarke's resignation

Two new faces join the Leicester mayoral team after Councillor Adam Clarke quit.

Mayor reshuffles top team after councillor Adam Clarke's resignation
Adam Clarke stepped down in March for personal reasons but remains a councillor. Photograph: Trabantos / Getty Images

Leicester City Council has had a shake-up of roles following the departure of councillor Adam Clarke. Leicester City Council’s executive team is made up of deputy and assistant mayors, along with elected city mayor Sir Peter Soulsby.

Each member of the team is responsible for monitoring spending and delivering on priorities across a range of specific responsibilities, such as adult and children’s social care, housing, and transport. Two new faces have now joined the executive.

Councillor Elaine Pantling is coming onboard as assistant city mayor for education, and Councillor Geoff Whittle’s new role is assistant city mayor for environment and transport. The changes have come about after Adam Clarke quit his role as deputy city mayor for climate, economy, and culture last month.

At the time, councillor Clarke said he would stay on as a ward councillor, and pledged to “continue to work as hard as” he could for the people living in his area. The changes also include a shake-up of some duties held by existing members of the team.

Councillor Elly Cutkelvin’s role now includes economy, with her responsibilities outlined as deputy city mayor for housing, economy and neighbourhoods. Councillor Sarah Russell’s portfolio remains unchanged as deputy city mayor for social care, health, and community safety.

Responsibility for education has transferred from Councillor Vi Dempster’s portfolio to new assistant mayor Elaine Pantling. Dempster will now cover assistant city mayor for culture, libraries, and community centres.

Councillor Mustafa Malik remains on the team as assistant city mayor for communities, adult learning, jobs and skills, and Councillor Manjula Sood remains as assistant city mayor for community cohesion and High Bailiff. Whittle’s role covers assistant city mayor for environment and transport.

The team previously comprised of the city mayor, three deputy city mayors and three assistant mayors. Now, alongside the city mayor, there are two deputy mayors and five assistant mayors. The overall cost of the new structure has decreased, as assistant mayors are paid less than a deputy.

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